PASSAGE Logo: Prosperity and Sustainability in the Green economy, ESRC Professorial Fellowship, Tim Jackson, author of Prosperity without Growth



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Prosperity and

Sustainability in the Green Economy

Growing a circular economy: 3rd evidence session

Tim Jackson to give evidence for Environmental Audit Committee on a circular economy, 11 June 2014


The Environmental Audit Committee will hold its third public evidence hearing on its growing a circular economy inquiry at 9.30am on Wednesday 11 June 2014 in Committee Room 8, Palace of Westminster.


Witnesses will be


Prof Tim Jackson, SLRG, University of Surrey

Phil Barton, Chief Executive Officer, Keep Britain Tidy

Nick Brown, Head of Recycling GB, Coca Cola Enterprises

Steve Lee, Chief Executive, Chartered Institute of Wastes Management

Dominic Hogg, Chairman, Eunomia research and consulting

Councillor Clyde Loakes, Environment and Housing Board Vice Chairman, Local Government Association


Purpose of the session


This is the third evidence session in the Committee’s “Growing a circular economy” inquiry. The Committee will explore whether it is possible to de-couple economic growth from natural resource use and the role that household recycling and the waste management sector plays in the circular economy.























Related Links


 ∙ Parliament TV: Watch Growing a circular economy evidence session

 ∙ Write a submissions to the inquiry to be submitted online

 ∙ For more information, visit the Parliament website

 ∙ For in-depth reading on the concept of a circular economy, visit the

   Ellen MacArthur Foundation's website


Image (modified): courtesy of Pablo Andres /

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