PASSAGE Logo: Prosperity and Sustainability in the Green economy, ESRC Professorial Fellowship, Tim Jackson, author of Prosperity without Growth



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Prosperity and

Sustainability in the Green Economy

Tim Jackson joins renowned international think-tank on sustainability

Founded in 1968, the Club of Rome is a global network of independent and renowned thinkers set out to push the boundaries of thinking on sustainability. It raised considerable public attention in 1972 with its report The Limits to Growth. Prominent members include Dame Ellen MacArthur, Prof Ernst von Weizsäcker, Dr Klaus Töpfer, Johan Rockström, Jörgen Randers and Professor Herman Daly.


Professor Jackson looks forward to a close involvement with this influential group of diplomats, scientists, economists and business leaders from around the globe. He will contribute in particular to two of the club’s current workstreams: 1) a new approach to economics and the financial sector, and 2) ‘decoupling’ well-being from resource consumption. The Club's overall mission is to identify the key actions needed to put the world on a sustainable, stable trajectory for the next 40 years.


The invitation to join the Club of Rome is a rare honour, and recognises Professor Jackson’s exceptional contribution in the field of sustainability. He has been at the forefront of international debates about sustainable development for over two decades and has worked closely with the UK Government, the United Nations Environment Programme, and numerous private companies and NGOs to bring social science research into sustainability. For seven years Tim Jackson served as economics commissioner on the UK government's Sustainable Development Commission and led its Redefining Prosperity programme.


Related links

 ∙ Read the featured story on the websites of the University of Surrey.

 ∙ For more information on the Club of Rome, please visit their website.

 ∙ The 1972 report can be read here.



Image: The Club of Rome meeting in Salzburg, 1972 (ANP)


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